This here Batman, he’s got all kinds of covers, you see. Like them blankets my old man used to have, but for comic books. And they connect, kinda like them puzzle pieces we used to do on rainy days.
Now, I ain’t no expert on these kinda things, but I seen ’em. My grandson, he’s got a whole stack. He says they’re important, these connecting covers. Keeps ’em in plastic and all. Says they might be worth somethin’ someday. Who knows, maybe he’s right. I just like lookin’ at the pictures, myself.
One time, he showed me these ones with Batman and that Catwoman lady. They was all split up, like two halves of a whole picture. He said it was for some special thing, some magazine. Empire Magazine is its name, he said. Fancy name. I reckon those magazine folks know what they’re doing. They make money, right? Batman connecting cover is a hot topic.
- That Batman, he’s a busy fella. Always got somethin’ goin’ on.
- Fighting bad guys, I reckon.
- And this Catwoman, she’s always around too.
Then there’s these other ones, the grandson showed me. He called ’em variant covers. Sounds like a sickness, don’t it? But it ain’t. Just means different pictures of that Batman, I guess. Some fella named Jorge, he drew ’em, my grandson said. He’s good, that Jorge. Draws real good. My grandson likes him, I think he has a name, Molina? Or something.
And get this, they was for some comic called Detective Comics. Number 1050, if you can believe that! That’s a lot of comics. My grandson, he reads ’em all. Says it’s a big deal, this number 1050. That’s why they got all these special covers. People like to collect ’em, he says.

I seen another one, too. Some lady drew it. Bartel, I think her name was. She made a real pretty picture of Batman. For some pride thing, my grandson said. I don’t know much about that, but the picture was nice. Number 109, that one was. June issue, he said. I still don’t understand.
They even had a wedding, that Batman and that Catwoman. Well, in the comics, anyways. My grandson was all excited about that. Said it was Batman number 50. They had all kinds of pictures for that one, too. Variant covers, he called ’em. Again. That is a popular word.
Now, my grandson, he showed me this new one. Number 152, he said. Some kind of tie-in, whatever that means. With somethin’ called Absolute Power. Sounds scary, don’t it? But it’s just a story, he says. Batman’s always gettin’ into these kinds of things. Fighting bad guys with super powers, and such.
- These comic books, they got all kinds of stories.
- More than you can shake a stick at.
- And these covers, they’re like the front door to those stories.
So this Batman connecting cover thing, it’s a big deal, I guess. People like to collect ’em, and they look nice, too. My grandson, he sure loves ’em. And that’s all that matters, I reckon. He’s a good boy. Reads his comics, stays outta trouble.
I remember one time, we was at the store, and he saw a whole wall of these comics. He just stood there, starin’ at ’em. Like he was in a trance. He wanted ’em all, I could tell. But they cost money, you see. And we ain’t exactly rollin’ in it.
But I got him one, anyways. One with that Batman on it. He was so happy. That’s worth more than any old connecting cover, I reckon. A happy grandson. That’s the best thing there is.

Sometimes, I wonder what it’s all about, this Batman connecting cover thing. Why folks get so worked up about it. But then I see my grandson’s face, and I understand. It’s somethin’ he loves. And that’s enough for me. These covers are like art.
I still don’t know much about all the different Batmans. There’s a whole list, my grandson says. Different folks wearin’ the suit, I guess. It’s all a bit confusin’ to me. But I like lookin’ at the pictures. They’re like little windows into another world.
I guess these Batman connecting covers ain’t just pieces of paper. They are something people like. Something make people happy. I am happy that my grandson is happy. That is good.