You know, I seen a lot of movies in my time. Some good, some bad. But these days, folks keep talkin’ ’bout movies like 13. What’s that all about? Well, I done some lookin’, and let me tell ya, it ain’t for the faint of heart! It’s like them scary stories we used to tell as kids, but on the big screen.
This here 13, it’s a number that gives folks the shivers. Like walkin’ under a ladder, or breakin’ a mirror. Bad luck, they say. And these movies like 13, they got that same kinda spooky feel. Lots of jumpin’ out of your seat and yellin’ at the screen.

Now, I ain’t one for all that modern technology. Give me a good old-fashioned story any day. But these young folks, they like all this fancy stuff. Special effects, they call it. Makes it all look real. Too real, if you ask me.
They got all kinds of movies like 13. Some with ghosts, some with monsters, some with just plain old bad folks doin’ bad things.
- Like that one, what’s it called? Prisoners. Yeah, that’s it. ‘Bout a little girl gone missin’. Her daddy’s all tore up about it. Reminds me of when my youngest, bless her heart, got lost in the cornfield. Scared me half to death!
- Then there’s them ones with the scary creatures. Don’t even get me started on them. Give me nightmares for weeks, they do. Like that one with the big ol’ shark. Chomp, chomp, chomp! No sir, I ain’t goin’ near the water after that one.
- And then you got the ones where folks is trapped somewhere. Like that fella stuck in the canyon. Had to cut his own arm off! Lord have mercy, I can’t even imagine. Makes my skin crawl just thinkin’ about it. These are all intense movies like 13, you know.
These movies like 13, they ain’t like the ones they used to make. Back in my day, things was simpler. Good guys and bad guys, that’s all you needed. Now, it’s all mixed up. Hard to tell who’s who. And the endings! Don’t even get me started on the endings! Leave you hangin’, they do.
But I guess that’s what folks like these days. Keeps ’em on the edge of their seats, they say. Me, I prefer a nice, happy ending. Like a good harvest, or a new baby born. Something to make you smile, not scream. If you ask me, those movies like 13 can make you scared.

I remember one time, I watched one of them scary movies with my grandkids. They was all huddled up under the blankets, peekin’ out with one eye. And me? I was right there with ’em, jumpin’ at every little noise. We was a sight, I tell ya!
But you know what? Even though they scare me silly, I kinda like ’em. It’s like a little thrill, a little excitement in my old age. And it’s somethin’ to talk about with the young folks. Keeps me feelin’ connected, you know?
So, if you’re lookin’ for movies like 13, you got plenty to choose from. Just make sure you got someone to hold your hand, and maybe a pillow to hide behind. And don’t say I didn’t warn ya!
These days, folks like things intense. Like their coffee, or their politics. Everything’s gotta be turned up to eleven, as they say. And these movies like 13, they’re definitely intense. Like a summer storm, rollin’ in with thunder and lightnin’. Keeps you guessin’, that’s for sure.

I seen a lot of changes in my time. Horses to cars, letters to telephones. And now, these movies. They’re changin’ too. Gettin’ scarier, more real. Sometimes, I wonder what they’ll come up with next.
But one thing’s for sure, folks will always like a good scare. It’s in our nature, I reckon. Like a moth to a flame, we’re drawn to the things that make us jump. And these movies like 13, they sure do that.
So, if you’re brave enough, go ahead and watch one. But don’t come cryin’ to me when you can’t sleep at night! You been warned.