Okay, so I was browsing Netflix the other day, looking for something new to watch, and I stumbled upon this show called “October Faction.” The trailer looked pretty cool, you know, monsters and stuff, right up my alley. I noticed this actor, Gabriel Darku, and I thought, “Hey, he looks familiar.” Turns out, he was also on “American Gods,” which I totally dig. So, naturally, I got curious about the guy.
First thing I did was to check out some interviews with him online. I found this one where he talked about his role in “October Faction.” He plays this character named Geoff Allen, and apparently, Geoff is, like, a super brainy dude, all book smart and stuff. It sounds like an interesting role, definitely different from what I’ve seen Gabriel do before.
Then I started to wonder about the show. And, since I was already on a roll, I did a little more digging on other things related to the show, but nothing really about Gabriel speaking Japanese.
So I went ahead and watched the series, and I did not notice him speak Japanese at all.
So, to finally answer the question, does Gabriel Darku speak Japanese in “October Faction?” Well, from what I’ve seen, the answer is no.
- Watched interviews with Gabriel Darku.
- Read some articles about “October Faction.”
- Watched “October Faction”.
- Concluded that Gabriel Darku does not speak Japanese in the show.
It was a fun little investigation, though. I mean, I got to learn more about this cool actor and discovered a new show to binge-watch. Win-win, right?
Anyway, that’s my little adventure for today. Hope you guys found it at least a little bit interesting!