That Chinatown movie, yeah, it hit 40 years old. My goodness, time sure flies. I remember when it first came out, all the folks were talking about it.
This movie, well, it’s about this guy, a detective, what’s his name? Gilles. He’s poking his nose into a murder. Seems like it’s all mixed up with that Mulwray fella and some water business. They cut off water somewhere, I heard. Some folks had it real bad, no water and all. It’s a darn mess if you ask me. There must be something fishy behind the water problem.

Heard some folks saying it’s one of the best movies from that Polanski fella. And you got that Nicholson guy, and Dunaway, and Huston in it. Big stars, they were. They did a pretty good job acting, I reckon. That lady, Dunaway, she’s a looker, ain’t she? The movie’s got some good acting, that’s for sure.
Chinatown Movie Big Deal
Back then, this movie, Chinatown, it was a big deal. It got some awards. You know, those fancy award things. Golden Globe, they call one of ’em. Got one for best drama, best director, best actor. That’s what I heard. Big shots must have liked it a lot.
- Best Drama
- Best Director
- Best Actor
And it was up for even more awards, those Oscar things. Nominated for 11, they say. That’s a whole heap of nominations. Only won one, though. Best Original Screenplay. Sounds fancy, don’t it? Some fella named Towne, he got that one. He wrote the story, I reckon. Must be a smart cookie to write something that good.
Lots of folks liked this Chinatown movie. Said it was a real good mystery. Kept you guessing, they said. I like a good mystery, myself. Keeps your mind working, you know?
This movie, it’s set in Los Angeles. You know, that big city out west. Lots of sunshine there, I hear. And they got that Hollywood place there, too. Where they make all the movies. This Chinatown movie, it’s about the city, and some dirty dealings going on there.

Chinatown Movie Water Problem
Seems like there’s always some trouble with water, ain’t there? In this movie, they were fighting over water rights. That’s what I heard, anyway. Some rich folks trying to get richer, probably. Taking water from the little guy. That’s how it usually goes, ain’t it? And they don’t care about other people, only want to earn more money, no matter by fair means or foul.
They made a big fuss about this Chinatown movie when it turned 40. I saw it on the TV. They were talking about it like it was some kind of masterpiece. Well, maybe it is. I ain’t no movie critic. But it sure got folks talking. That detective, Gilles, he was a tough one. Didn’t back down from nobody. I like a man with some grit. Reminds me of my old man. He was tough as nails, too.
This Chinatown movie, it’s one of those movies you gotta watch more than once, I reckon. To catch all the little details. It’s like peeling an onion, they say. Lots of layers. You think you got it figured out, and then bam! Something new pops up. Keeps you on your toes.
They say this movie is on that Netflix thing now. You know, where you can watch all kinds of movies on your TV. I don’t have one of those, but my grandkids do. They watch all sorts of things on it. Cartoons, and those superhero movies. And now, this Chinatown movie, too, it seems. I saw this movie on TV in these countries.
- United States
- Canada
- United Kingdom
Chinatown Movie 40th Anniversary
40 years, that’s a long time. This Chinatown movie, it’s held up pretty good, I guess. Still popular after all these years. That says something, don’t it? Most things don’t last that long. But a good story, well, that can last forever. Like those old stories my grandma used to tell me. I still remember them, clear as day. Good stories and good movies have their magic.

If you haven’t seen this Chinatown movie, maybe you should give it a watch. It’s a bit dark, I reckon. But it’s got a good story. And it makes you think. About right and wrong, and how things ain’t always what they seem. That’s life, ain’t it? Full of surprises. Just when you think you got it all figured out, life throws you a curveball. Just like this movie. I saw this movie many years ago, and maybe I should watch it again.
Yep, 40 years. That Chinatown movie, it’s a classic, they say. And classics, well, they never really get old. They just keep getting better with age. Like a fine wine. Or a good pair of boots. They just get more comfortable with time.