Okay, here I go, this is my story about that show, what’s it called? Fool Me Once? Yeah, that’s it. Episode 7, they tell ya. Lordy, this one’s a doozy.
Fool Me Once Episode 7 Recap
So, that Maya woman, she’s in a heap of trouble. She up and told them Burketts, you know, the rich folks, that she kilt her own husband, Joe. Can you believe it? Said she did it ’cause he done killed her sister. And somethin’ ’bout protectin’ her little girl, Lily. That’s what I heard, anyway.

Now, that Judith, Joe’s mama, she got all riled up. Said she’d see Maya locked up forever. But Maya, she ain’t no fool. She shot back, sayin’ all their dirty laundry, the Burkett family’s, would come out too. Sounds like they got secrets, huh?
- Maya told them Burketts she killed Joe.
- Said she did it for revenge and to protect her kid.
- Judith threatened Maya.
- Maya threatened back.
Then they showed somethin’ that happened a long time ago. They called it a “flashback,” fancy word for showin’ somethin’ from the past. It was about them boys, Andrew and that Swain fella, and Joe, of course. All messed up if you ask me, young people these days.
That detective, Sami, the one with the headaches and blackouts. He found somethin’. Some kinda connection between Maya’s sister, the one that got killed, Claire, and this whistleblower, Corey. Corey’s been tellin’ all sorts of tales about the Burketts, and seems Claire, she was helpin’ him. Figurin’ things out, you know? Like two peas in a pod, I reckon.
And them Burkett kids, they got their own problems. That daughter, Abby, she found out somethin’ ’bout her daddy. Turns out, he ain’t who she thought he was. Her real daddy is some fella named Eddie. Eddie, he’s Maya’s brother-in-law. They were tryin’ to have a baby too, her and her husband. Lord knows what a mess.
Then there’s that boy, Daniel. He’s been actin’ strange. Found some pills, he did, in his mama’s stuff. Looks like them pills is made by the Burkett family’s company. Now why would Judith be takin’ her own medicine? Don’t make no sense.

More Trouble Brewin’
Sami, he went to see that Corey fella. Wants to know what he knows about the Burketts. Corey, he’s all scared and nervous, but he says he’ll tell all if Sami helps him stay safe. Sounds like them Burketts ain’t too happy ’bout him spillin’ the beans.
Then they showed more of that flashback, the one with them boys. Seems Joe, he was a mean one, even back then. Made them other boys do somethin’ terrible to a fella. Got it all on tape, too. Sick, I tell ya. Just plain sick. That whole family has skeletons in their closet.
Maya, she’s lookin’ at that nanny cam footage again. The one where she thinks she saw Joe, after he was supposed to be dead. She’s tryin’ to figure it all out. She showed it to that friend of hers, Shane. He’s good with computers and such. He thinks somethin’ ain’t right with the video. Says it might be fake. A deepfake, he called it. Some folks can make fake videos, make people look like they’re doin’ things they ain’t really doin’. The world’s gettin’ too complicated, I swear.
- Sami found a link between Claire and Corey.
- Abby found out about her real daddy.
- Daniel found some pills.
- Sami talked to Corey.
- Maya’s lookin’ at that video again.
Joe was mean to them boys in the flashback. Made ’em do bad things. Then they showed somethin’ else, somethin’ that happened on a boat. Joe and some other fellas, they were on a yacht. One of ’em, Theo, he fell overboard. Looked like Joe might have pushed him. He’s a bad egg, that Joe.
The Walls Are Closing In
Sami and that other police officer, they figured out that the bullets that killed Maya’s sister, they came from the same gun that killed Joe. Maya’s gun. Looks like Maya ain’t tellin’ the whole truth. She’s got everyone fooled. Well, almost everyone.

That Judith, she went to see Maya. Brought her that nanny cam, the one with the video of Joe. She knows somethin’ ain’t right. She’s tryin’ to get Maya to confess. But Maya, she’s tough. She ain’t givin’ in. She knows the Burketts are hidin’ somethin’ big, and she ain’t gonna rest until she finds out what it is.
This whole thing is a mess. Lies and secrets, everywhere you look. Makes my head spin. I don’t know who to trust anymore. But one thing’s for sure, somethin’ big is gonna happen. And I betcha it ain’t gonna be pretty.
This is one crazy story. This show, Fool Me Once, it’s full of twists and turns. That Maya is one character I don’t trust, but those Burketts are the same. Episode 7 just makes things worse. I need a nap after watching all that. Just gotta wait and see, I guess. But you mark my words, something bad is coming, sure as the sun rises. I can feel it in my bones. People don’t keep secrets this long if they’re the good kind. Nope, something dark is gonna come out, and it’s gonna be a storm.