Well, well, well, look what we have here. Midnight at the Pera Palace, huh? And this Meliha girl. Sounds like a whole lot of something, that’s for sure.
This here story, it’s all about that Pera Palace. Big, fancy place in Istanbul. Heard it’s real old, seen a lot of things in its day. Then you got this Meliha woman. She’s a writer, like them folks who write for the papers, you know? They say she ends up being friends with another girl, Esra. That’s what them moving picture folks call a “plot twist.”

Now, this Esra, she finds herself back in time, way back in 1919. Can you imagine? No phones, no cars, nothing. It is a mess up world. Then again, maybe things weren’t so different. People still schemed and dreamed, I reckon. And this Pera Palace was right in the middle of it all. Sounds like one of them fancy shows, like that Downton Abbey.
- Meliha, she’s a journalist. Writes things down.
- Esra, she’s the one who goes back in time.
- Pera Palace, that’s the big old hotel where it all happens.
- 1919, that’s the year Esra goes back to.
They say Meliha and Esra, they didn’t get along at first. Like two cats in a sack. But then, wouldn’t you know it, they become friends. Life’s funny that way, ain’t it? One minute you’re hissing, the next you’re sharing a saucer of milk. I don’t know all the details, but it sounds like that Midnight at the Pera Palace is a real complicated story. These two girls, they get mixed up in all sorts of things at the hotel. I heard this Esra girl, she don’t even know that Meliha is her own momma! Can you believe it? The drama of it all!
And there’s time travel, they say. Going back and forth, like a chicken with its head cut off. Makes my head spin just thinking about it. But it sure makes for a good story. All them loops and whatnot. It’s about Meliha at the Pera Palace for sure. They say there’s a key, hidden somewhere in that old Pera Palace. Opens up a room, they say, with a notebook. This notebook, it’s got all the secrets. Eleven days, gone, poof, just like that. And this notebook supposedly tells all about it. Sounds mighty mysterious to me.

I heard that some fellas kidnap Meliha when she’s about to have a baby. And that Esra girl, she sees the whole thing. Sees herself being born! That’s some crazy stuff right there, I tell ya. Midnight at the Pera Palace is more than just a title, I guess. It’s when all the crazy stuff happens. And babies getting dropped off at the hotel? What in the world is going on over there?
This Meliha, she seems like a tough one. A writer, working for the paper. Not like these young’uns today, always on their phones. Back in my day, we didn’t have all that. We made our own fun. But I guess times change. Still, a good story is a good story. And this one, with the Pera Palace and Meliha and all that time travel, it sounds like a real humdinger.
Folks are saying this Meliha, she’s like someone from that Downton Abbey show, mixed with some other fella. Don’t know much about that, but it sounds fancy. High society and all that. Me, I’m just a simple woman. But I like a good story, and this Midnight at the Pera Palace, it sure sounds like one.

If you like all that drama and mystery, then you might just like this Midnight at the Pera Palace. It’s on that Netflix thing, I hear. You know, that moving picture box. Just remember old me when you’re watching it. Think about how things used to be, back in the day. No time travel, just good old-fashioned living. But hey, maybe a little time travel wouldn’t be so bad. I could go back and tell my younger self a thing or two, that’s for sure.
Midnight at the Pera Palace and Meliha, remember those names. Sounds like something you won’t forget. I sure won’t. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I got chores to do. Life don’t stop, even if you can travel through time. Or so they tell me.
This is such a good show. With all the drama, I love it so much. I have watched it many many times. You should watch it, too. I bet you will like it. And all the beautiful dresses and clothes they wear. That is really nice.