Hey there, you little rascals! Let me tell you somethin’ about this thing, the Evergreen Awaken Festival 2024. Sounds fancy, don’t it? Well, it ain’t as fancy as it sounds, but it’s somethin’ alright. This old lady heard it’s gonna be somethin’ to see.
They say it’s in that town, Evergreen. Where is it? I don’t know, somewhere in Colorado. Sounds like a place for them rich folks. But this festival, they say it’s got all sorts of things. That is, from July to September, summer time, you know, it’s gonna be somethin’ fun in that little town. It is like a big party, but it goes on for weeks!

They got this thing called “yoga.” What’s that? Sounds like some kinda yogurt. But apparently, you stretch and bend like a pretzel. And they got 50 of them yoga workshops. 50! Can you believe it? And other stuff for your health, whatever that means. Probably somethin’ to do with eatin’ your greens. This Evergreen Awaken Festival 2024 is all about that, I reckon.
They also go walkin’ in the woods, they call it “nature hikes.” We just called it walkin’ when I was young. And music, they got live music. Probably not the kind of music I like, but the young folks might like it. That’s all gonna be at that place… 32003 Ellingwood Trail, or somethin’. Don’t ask me how to get there. I don’t know nothing about no trails.
Now, some folks like to do this other thing, awaken fruits, to make their powers better in the game. They say it makes your fruit stronger. What fruit? I don’t know! I like apples myself. You ever seen a man bite into a whole lemon? Crazy young’uns! But if you are into that kind of games, this Evergreen Awaken Festival 2024 might have some of that for you.
Someone said, “Eagles advance, traveler.” What in the tarnation does that mean? Sounds like somethin’ from one of them video games. Maybe the festival’s got somethin’ to do with eagles. Or maybe not. Who knows? It’s all a bit much for this old lady. If you ask me, this awakening is a big deal.
How do you get to this shindig? Well, if it’s one of them Summer Festivals, you can take the train, I guess. They say take the train to… Tilburg? Where’s that? And then you get on a bus, a shuttle bus, they call it. Don’t take a taxi, they say. Too expensive, probably. And you can ride your bicycle there, too. That’s what they say. Bicycles are good for you. Keeps you young. Or so they say. This Evergreen Awaken Festival 2024 seems easy to get to, then.
But, this Evergreen festival, it’s on the waterfront, they said, Halifax waterfront. What is that, Canada? Don’t make no sense. Too many places they are talking about. Well, if it is by the water, that might be nice. I like the water. You can get there by bus, they say, Halifax transit. Whatever that is. Sounds like a lot of buses in these parts. Maybe they got a senior discount.
So, that’s what I know about this Evergreen Awaken Festival 2024. Sounds like a whole lot of somethin’ for everybody. Yoga, and walkin’, and music, and games, and buses and trains. And maybe even eagles! Too much excitement for me, but you young folks might like it.
Here is what you may expect:
- Yoga. I don’t know what that is, but it is something.
- Walk in the woods. They call it hikes.
- Live Music.
- Awaken your fruits, whatever that means.
- Maybe see some eagles.
If you go, let me know what it’s like. And tell ’em an old lady sent ya. They might give you a discount. Or maybe not. Who knows? I am too old for this festival thing. But you go on and have fun, you hear? Don’t get into no trouble, now. And eat your greens! And maybe try some of that yoga. Might do you some good. And watch out for them eagles!
Hope you can find some fun in that Evergreen Awaken Festival 2024. That’s what everybody says. That festival is where you should go. It is in Evergreen, wherever that is. But that’s it. I don’t know no more. You go figure it out yourself.