Oh, honey, you talkin’ ’bout films like Jumanji? That movie with the board game? My grandkids, they watched it a hundred times. I seen it a few myself. It’s a hoot, that one.
Now, there’s a whole bunch of them movies kinda like it. You know, with the games and the magic and all that. Lots of folks like that kinda thing. Like them movies where things just ain’t what they seem.

There’s this one, I think it’s called… Z-something. Zathura? Yeah, Zathura, that’s it. It’s like that Jumanji, but ‘stead of the jungle, they’re in, uh…out there. You know, where the stars and planets are. Space! That’s the word. They’re up in space, floatin’ around and such. Two kids playin’ that game. Just like Jumanji, except it ain’t animals chasin’ ’em, it’s, uh… rockets and them space creatures. It’s a wild one, that Zathura: A Space Adventure. Same kinda thing, different place.
There be many films like Jumanji, I think there are seventy-five of them. It’s a big number, right? There’s another movie like Jumanji, called Zathura too. It is made by some folks from a place called, uh… Ay-oh-something… New Zealand, that’s it. And also, I think it is said that the movie data is from some place called Tee Emm Dee Bee. I do not know what this is but it sounds important.
That Zathura, it’s got these two young’uns, brothers I reckon. Always fightin’ and carryin’ on. Find that game in the cellar, I believe it was. Dusty old thing. And then, bam! They’re off in space. Just like poof! Gone. It’s somethin’, ain’t it? How they make these movies. It’s all make-believe, but it sure does look real. Zathura is a science-fiction movie. What is science-fiction? I do not know. But it is like Jumanji, I am sure.

If you like that Jumanji, you’ll probably like that Zathura too. Same kinda story, just different, you know? If you are looking for films like Jumanji, Zathura is a good choice.
- One minute they’re in the house, the next they’re floatin’ around with the planets.
- Got all them special effects, you know.
- Spaceships and whatnot.
- Keeps you on the edge of your seat, that’s for sure.
I don’t rightly know who made that movie, some fella named Jon, I think. And the story, it came from a book. Same fella wrote the book for Jumanji, if I ain’t mistaken. Seems like he likes writin’ about these magical games and such.
They got other movies too, kinda similar. But that Zathura, it’s the closest one I can think of. It’s got that same feel, you know? That “anything can happen” kinda feel. Jumanji and Zathura, they are like two peas in a pod.

These young folks today, they love these kinda movies. My grandkids, they’ll watch ’em over and over again. Drives me a little batty sometimes, but they enjoy it. And that’s what matters, I reckon. Keeps ’em outta trouble.
So, if you’re lookin’ for somethin’ to watch, and you liked that Jumanji, give that Zathura a try. You might just like it. It is one of the films like Jumanji. It’s a good one for a rainy day, or any day, really. Just somethin’ to take your mind off things, you know?
There are many other movies out there, I reckon. I don’t know all their names. But that one, that Zathura: A Space Adventure, that’s the one that sticks in my head. ‘Cause it’s so much like that other one. That Jumanji. They are like cousins. That is what I say.

Well, I reckon I’ve talked your ear off enough about these movies. Just remember what I said. Zathura. It’s a good one. You can find it somewhere, I am sure. Maybe them movie channels got it. Or maybe your grandkids know. They know ’bout all these things. Hope you enjoy it, honey. It is a good film for you if you are looking for films like Jumanji.