This old lady, I tell ya, I been watchin’ them Star Wars things on the picture box. And you know what? They got these little bitty movies now, called Star Wars shorts. Short, like my old rooster’s tail feathers after that fox got to him.
My grandson, bless his heart, he showed ’em to me. Said it’s all the rage with them young’uns. He put it on that thingamajig, whatchamacallit, Disney+. That’s right, Disney+. He’s always on that thing.

Them Little Star Wars Movies
These Star Wars shorts, they ain’t like them big long movies, the ones with the glowin’ sticks and the fellas in them black helmets. No sir. These are quick, like a rabbit runnin’ from a hound dog. You blink, you might miss somethin’!
One of ’em, it was about this fella, flyin’ one of them spaceships. It was a TIE Fighter, my grandson said. Looked like a flyin’ eyeball to me. Anyways, he was zoomin’ around, shootin’ at things. Pew pew! Just like that. Lots of flashy lights, I tell ya. Made my old eyes water a bit.
- That TIE Fighter one, that was somethin’.
- And another one had this girl, trainin’ to be one of them Jedi.
- They’re always trainin’, them Jedis.
More of Them Short Films
Then there was another one, somethin’ about a Dark Legacy. Spooky, that one was. Had this fella, all mean and nasty. He was learnin’ to be one of them Sith. My grandson said the Sith are the bad guys. Like that old coyote that kept tryin’ to steal my chickens.
I reckon you folks should watch ’em. If you like them Star Wars, that is. They got a whole bunch of ’em now. This old lady, I can’t keep up. They call this batch “Star Wars: Visions” Volume 2. Like it’s some kinda book or somethin’.
They got nine of these little Star Wars shorts in this “Visions” thing. Nine! That’s more than the eggs my best hen, Bessie, lays in a week. They come out on that Disney+ thingy. If you want to watch it. My grandson told me May 4th, whatever day that is. Maybe it is someone’s birthday.

Lots of Star Wars
Seems like they got more Star Wars now than there are stars in the sky. This old lady remembers when there was only one, maybe two. Now they just keep comin’ and comin’. Like them weeds in my garden. Never seem to stop. They got long ones, short ones. Ones about this fella, ones about that fella. Hard to keep track.
This one called The Ninth Jedi, I think I saw that one, but maybe I was just takin’ a nap. And The Elder, that one sounds like me! Maybe they made one about this old lady fightin’ them space critters. Wouldn’t that be a sight?
These young’uns today, they sure do love their Star Wars. Back in my day, we just had the radio and our imaginations. Now they got all these fancy pictures movin’ right there on the screen. It’s a wonder, ain’t it?
Go Watch ‘Em, I Guess
So, if you got nothin’ better to do, and you like all that Star Wars stuff, go watch them Star Wars shorts. They’re on that Disney+ thing. I reckon they’re alright. Keeps my grandson quiet for a spell, anyway.
This old lady, she’s gonna go back to watchin’ her stories now. Maybe I’ll see if they got any more of them Star Wars shorts. Who knows, maybe I’ll get to like them. Maybe I’ll see one about that flyin’ eyeball again. That one was kinda fun.

Star Wars shorts, Star Wars: Visions, TIE Fighter, Dark Legacy – so many names for such little things. Just like them fancy names they give to coffee nowadays. Back in my day, it was just coffee! But that’s a story for another time. These new Star Wars shorts are somethin’ else. That’s for sure.