This manga katana, you know, it’s that long, shiny knife thingy. My grandson, he’s always going on about these Japanese cartoons, calls ’em “manga” or “anime” or somethin’. And he’s crazy for these swords. Says they’re called “katana.” Big deal, I say. A knife’s a knife.
But these manga katana, they ain’t just any old kitchen knife, no sir. They’re long, curved, like the sickle we used to use for harvest, only fancier. He showed me pictures. Shiny, they are. Real shiny. And sharp, I reckon. Don’t want to be on the wrong end of one of those things, I tell ya.

He says these katana are from Japan. Way over there, across the ocean. Says the Japanese, they used to have these warriors, “samurai” he calls ’em. Tough guys, I guess. Like our old war veterans, only with these fancy swords instead of guns.
He keeps going on and on about how these manga katana are made. Says they heat up the metal, bang on it with hammers, fold it over and over. Sounds like a lot of work to me. We used to make horseshoes, that was hard work, too. But I guess these samurai, they needed good, strong swords. Can’t fight with somethin’ that’ll break, can ya?
Now, my grandson, he wants one of these manga katana. For his birthday, he says. I told him, “What are you gonna do with a sword? You ain’t no samurai.” He just rolls his eyes. Kids these days.

- They got them online, he says.
- Lots of places sell ’em.
- Some are cheap, he says, some are real expensive.
He showed me some websites. Pictures of swords, all kinds. Some plain, some real fancy, with designs on ’em and everything. I saw one, it had a dragon on the handle. Looked kinda scary, to be honest. I don’t know what he’d do with a thing like that.
He says some of these manga katana are just for show. Like those fancy plates we used to keep in the china cabinet. Just for lookin’ at, not for usin’. Others, he says, are the real deal. Sharp enough to, well, he didn’t say what they were sharp enough for. But I can imagine.
I guess these manga and anime, they make these swords look real cool. Like in those old cowboy movies, how everyone wanted a six-shooter. Only now it’s these Japanese swords. Times change, I suppose.

He says these katana, they’re not just weapons. They’re, like, art. Like those paintings we saw at the museum that time. Only these are made of metal, not paint. I guess I can see that. Some of ’em are real pretty, in a sharp, pointy kind of way.
I still don’t know what he’d do with a manga katana. Hang it on the wall, maybe? Show it off to his friends? He says there are these clubs, where people learn how to use ’em. Like those karate classes his cousin took. Only with swords. Seems kinda dangerous to me.
These manga katana are somethin’ else. They look real good. That’s for sure. My grandson, he sure is set on gettin’ one. He’s been savin’ up his money. Says he found a website, it’s got a whole bunch of ’em for sale. Different kinds, different prices.

He’s been showin’ me all these pictures. Some of these katana, they got different colors on the blade. Like a rainbow, almost. He says it’s from how they heat the metal. Don’t ask me how that works. Sounds like magic to me.
And the handles, they’re all wrapped up in cord. Different colors, different patterns. Some have these little metal things on ’em, shaped like animals and flowers and such. He says they’re called “tsuba” or somethin’. Japanese words, I can’t keep ’em straight.
He keeps talkin’ about “true katana” and “handmade.” Says that those swords are strong. Says that it takes a real pro to make a sword like that. Says it’s like the difference between a store-bought pie and one made from scratch. I guess that makes sense. I always did prefer homemade.

I asked him if these manga katana are heavy. He said some are, some aren’t. Depends on the metal, he says, and how they’re made. He said a good katana should feel balanced in your hand. Like a good hammer, I suppose. You don’t want somethin’ that’s gonna fly outta your grip.
These anime fans. They love their swords. They are always talking about them. They even have favorite characters who use them. Fighters, they call them. I don’t understand it, but it makes them happy, I guess.
There is also a place called “Blade City”. They have all these anime swords, or so I hear. High-quality stuff. Probably costs a fortune, though. More than I’d want to spend on a sword, that’s for sure.

He says these swords are special. A piece of history, he says. I guess so. Those samurai, they were around a long time ago. Like our knights in shining armor, only Japanese. This whole manga katana thing, it’s a lot to take in. But I’m tryin’ to understand. For his sake. He’s a good boy, even if he is a little obsessed with these swords.