Matthew Goode, that boy, I tell you, I seen him on the TV. He’s a good-lookin’ fella, ain’t he? He been in a lot of shows, that one. I seen him in that one, what’s it called, with the witches and all.
My granddaughter, she’s always talkin’ ’bout him. Says he’s some big-time British actor. Well, I reckon he’s alright. She’s got pictures of him, she does. Pictures of him naked, too! I told her, “You best be careful with them pictures, girl!” But she just laughs. Kids these days, I swear. They don’t know no shame.

Matthew Goode Naked, You Say?
That’s what all the young folks are sayin’ these days. That boy, Matthew Goode, he ain’t afraid to show his skin, I guess. My granddaughter, she showed me on her phone. All these pictures of him, some with clothes, some without. She said it’s from a movie. I don’t know ’bout all that. Back in my day, we didn’t have all these fancy movies and such.
We just had the radio, and that was just fine. But these young people, they like to see things, I suppose. And that Matthew Goode naked, well, he’s a sight for sore eyes, ain’t he? I ain’t sayin’ it’s right or wrong, just sayin’ it’s what the kids are into these days.
Matthew Goode Movies and Such
He’s been in a bunch, I hear. That witch one, that’s the one I seen. He plays a vampire, I think. Fancy that. A vampire. I told my granddaughter, “You watch out for them vampires, girl.” She just rolled her eyes.
- A Discovery of Witches
- Brideshead Revisited
- The Imitation Game
She says he was in some other ones, too. Somethin’ ’bout a game, she said. And another one where he got all lovey-dovey with another fella. I don’t know about all that. But she likes it, so I guess it’s alright. She says it’s all actin’, just pretend. Like when we used to play house when we was kids. Only they get paid for it, I reckon. Good money, too, I bet.
This Matthew Goode actor, he’s makin’ a good livin’, that’s for sure. All them movies, and all them pictures. He must be doin’ somethin’ right. I ain’t judgin’. Just sayin’ what I see. He’s a good lookin’ boy, and he seems to be doin’ alright for himself. And if my granddaughter likes him, then I suppose I do, too.

Matthew Goode and His Fans
My granddaughter, she ain’t the only one who likes that boy. She showed me on her phone, all these other girls, they like him, too. They got groups and such, all talkin’ ’bout him. Matthew Goode Tumblr, they call it. I don’t know what that is, but they sure do talk a lot. They share them pictures, too. The naked ones, and the ones with clothes. They like ’em all, I guess.
They even write stories, my granddaughter says. Stories ’bout him, and them. I don’t know ’bout all that. Seems a bit much to me. But they like it, so who am I to say? It ain’t hurtin’ nobody, I suppose.
They call themselves fans. Like them fans you use to cool yourself down in the summer. Only these fans, they get all hot and bothered over that Matthew Goode. It’s a different world these days, ain’t it?
What’s the Big Deal About Matthew Goode?
I don’t know, really. He’s just a boy, ain’t he? A good-lookin’ boy, sure. And he’s on the TV, and in them movies. But there’s lots of good-lookin’ boys on the TV.
Maybe it’s ’cause he’s British. They got that fancy accent, you know. Makes ’em sound all smart and important. My granddaughter, she likes that accent. Says it’s “posh.” I don’t know ’bout posh, but it’s different, that’s for sure.

Or maybe it’s ’cause he ain’t afraid to take his clothes off. That Matthew Goode naked, it gets people talkin’, I guess. It ain’t somethin’ you see every day, that’s for sure. Especially from a movie star.
Whatever it is, that Matthew Goode, he’s got somethin’ special. Somethin’ that makes all them girls go crazy. And if my granddaughter’s happy, then I’m happy, too. Even if I don’t understand it all. It’s her life, and she can like whoever she wants. Even if he is a naked vampire from England.
That boy need to put some clothes on. It is cold out there. But he seem to be a good boy. Hope he don’t catch a cold though.
He is a good actor. I will give him that. Hope he do more movies. Maybe not so much naked next time. But if he do, that okay too. He can do what he want. He a grown man.
Anyway, that Matthew Goode, he alright. He a good boy. My granddaughter sure do like him. That good enough for me.