You know, I heard them young’uns talkin’ ’bout that 300 movie the other day. Lots of fightin’ and yellin’, they said. Reminded me of that time old man Johnson’s rooster got loose and chased after all the hens. A right mess, that was! Anyway, they was sayin’ they wanted more movies like that 300 one. I don’t know much ’bout these things, but I heard ’em mention some names. I figured I share what I overheard, might be somethin’ you’d like too.
More Movies Like That 300
First, they was sayin’ somethin’ ’bout another 300 movie. 300: Rise of an Empire, I think it was called. More fightin’, I reckon. They like that kind of stuff, these kids. If you liked that first one, you’ll probably like this one too. That’s what they said. Same folks fightin’, just a different time, maybe?

Then they mentioned somethin’ called Troy. Sounds like a fella’s name to me. But they said it’s from a long, long time ago. Like, older than dirt time ago. Greek, they said. Got somethin’ to do with them old stories, myths, they call ’em. Gods and monsters and all that. Lots of fightin’ in those stories too, I bet. I heard old Mrs. Henderson readin’ them stories to her grandkids. Lots of shoutin’ and carryin’ on, just like that 300 movie, I suppose. It was released in 2004. If you want movies like 300, you must watch it.
Some other one was called, let me think… Gladiator. Sounds like a fancy word for someone who fights a lot. Probably another one of them movies where everyone’s yellin’ and swingin’ swords. I seen a picture once, fellas wearin’ them skirts and armor. Looked right silly to me, but I guess that’s how they did things back then.
- There is a movie named The Last Samurai, it is also a good one.
- Braveheart, also a movie full of battles.
- King Arthur, I think it’s also good.
- There is another one called Troy, it was released in 2004.
Oh, and they said somethin’ ’bout The Last Samurai. Sounds sad, don’t it? Like the end of somethin’. But I guess there’s fightin’ in it too. They said this one’s got them fellas from the East, with their own kind of swords and armor. Fightin’ for honor, they said. Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me, but what do I know? They always say that movies similar to 300 are full of battles.
Then there was Braveheart. Now that sounds like a good one. Someone with a brave heart, must be a good fella. But I guess he’s fightin’ too. They always fightin’ in these movies. Fightin’ for freedom, they said. From some king or another. Kings always causin’ trouble, that’s what I always say.
And somethin’ ’bout King Arthur. Another king! This one’s got a sword stuck in a rock, I heard. And a round table. Sounds like a fancy dinner party to me, but I bet there’s fightin’ in it too. There always is. It’s a good choice if you’re lookin’ for movies like 300. Always full of battles and blood, you know. People like these.

More of Them Fightin’ Movies
They mentioned so many, it’s hard to keep track. Alexander, they said. Another one from them old times. Big battles, they said. Conquerin’ the world and all that. Sounds like a lot of work to me. I’d rather be tendin’ my garden than conquerin’ the world.
There was one called Immortals. Now that sounds interestin’. People who can’t die, fightin’ forever. Sounds like a nightmare if you ask me. But I guess some folks like that kind of thing. They are always findin’ new ways to fight, ain’t they? They say it has a lot of things like that 300 movie.
And Centurion. I don’t know what that means. Sounds like somethin’ from space. But it’s another one of them Roman fellas, I think. Fightin’ in the snow, they said. Sounds cold. I don’t like the cold. Give me a warm fire any day. But if you like that 300 movie, with all the fightin’ and yellin’, you might like this one too.
Oh, and The Eagle. Another one with them Roman soldiers. They’re always marchin’ around, lookin’ for a fight. This one’s got somethin’ to do with a lost eagle, I think. A symbol, they said. Important to them Romans. They sure do get worked up over the strangest things.
- Alexander, an old movie.
- Immortals, sounds like they can’t be killed.
- Centurion, fightin’ in the snow.
- The Eagle, something about a lost symbol.
I reckon that’s all I remember. They was talkin’ so fast, it made my head spin. If you like that 300 movie, you’ll probably like some of these. They all got fightin’ and battles and all that. Me, I prefer a nice quiet evenin’ by the fire. But to each their own, I always say. To each their own. These movies similar to 300 are all good for you, I think. They all have lots of battles and you will like them.