Okay, so I’ve been thinking a lot about this whole Grant Morrison thing. You know, the comic book writer? Well, I don’t even know if I can call him that anymore. Not in the same way, at least. It’s like, the dude’s a legend, right? I mean, some say he’s the greatest comic writer ever. I started to feel he was becoming less of a comic writer these days.
I remember picking up X-Men #1, way back when. That was the best-selling American single-issue comic of all time, as far as I know. Then you look at what Morrison did with Action Comics, that was a massive revamp for DC, bringing him in to write it.

But then, I don’t know, things started to change. Comics became less popular. They’re competing with so much more stuff now – like home video, cable TV, video games. There was a brief spike in the 90s, with Beanie Babies and sports cards, but it didn’t last.
And then you’ve got this whole thing with Alan Moore. Those two, Morrison and Moore, they’ve been in this weird cold war since the late ’80s, even though their careers went in a lot of the same directions. I’ve read that most people would side with Morrison, but I mean, who knows what’s really going on there?
I heard about this book he’s got coming out, “Annihilator.” It’s about some washed-up Hollywood screenwriter. Sounds interesting, but it’s not exactly the superhero stuff we’re used to from him. I saw this interview where he’s talking about Annihilator and why there aren’t more comics about comics culture. And it just made me think, maybe he’s moving on.
Then there’s that whole Damian Wayne thing. Morrison created him, and then there was some controversy about how the character was used in movies. There was this whole back and forth about whether Batman should kill or not. I guess there’s always going to be drama, right? Even with a major revamping of the entire superhero line.
I saw this one panel somewhere, drawn by Doug Mahnke, with Morrison’s name on it as the writer. It was some list of top comic people or something. And it just got me thinking, is he still on that list? Or is he climbing off onto something else? Or did he already?

And then I remembered that whole “No More Mutants” thing from House of M. That was Bendis, not Morrison, but it’s just another example of how things are always changing in comics. That is why what keeps happening keeps happening.
So yeah, I don’t know. It just feels like the end of an era. Like Grant Morrison isn’t really a “comic writer” anymore, not in the way he used to be. Maybe he’s just evolved into something else. And maybe that’s okay. It just makes me a little sad, I guess. That’s all. Time for a change, for sure. Or not.