Oh honey, let me tell you about this Spider-Gwen hot comic cover thing. You know, I saw it on that electric box, the one my grandson fiddles with all day. What’s it called? Inter-something. Internet! This Spider-Gwen, she’s a real looker, ain’t she? Not like them spiders we get in the outhouse, all hairy and creepy. This one’s got a nice suit, all white and pink and black. Reminds me of that quilt I made for Betty Lou’s first baby, bless her heart.
My grandson, bless his cotton socks. He’s always on his computer looking up all the latest information about comics, especially Spider-Gwen comic. He told me this Spider-Gwen, she’s a real popular one. Got her own comic books and everything. Imagine that! A girl, a spider-girl, being all famous. Back in my day, we just had to worry about getting the chores done and finding a good husband. But these young folks today, they got all sorts of things to keep ’em busy.

And this cover, the one they call “hot,” it’s somethin’ else. She’s swingin’ around, doin’ all sorts of fancy moves. I reckon it takes a lot of strength to do that. Makes my old bones ache just lookin’ at it. I used to be able to climb the apple tree in our backyard, but now… well, let’s just say I stick to the ground these days. Those apple trees ain’t the same anymore, and neither am I!
- This Spider-Gwen, she’s got a mask, too.
- Hides her face, just like that Zorro fella on the television.
- Keeps her secret, I guess.
- Smart girl.
My grandson, he showed me a whole bunch of these Spider-Gwen comic covers. There are some really amazing artists out there making this comic. He even said there is a Spider-Gwen comic collection book. He’s got a whole shelf full of these comics. Says they’re worth somethin’ someday. I told him, “Sonny, you better save your money for somethin’ practical, like a good pair of work boots.” But he just laughs and says these comics are an “investment.” Kids these days!
This one cover, though, the hot comic cover, it’s really somethin’. Bright colors, lots of action. Even I can see why folks like it. It’s like a picture show, right there on the front of a book. The spider woman art is really amazing! Back when I was a girl, we didn’t have nothin’ like this. We had those picture books with the horses and the flowers, you know the ones. Nice, but nothin’ like this Spider-Gwen.

I don’t understand all the hubbub, but I guess it’s good for the young folks to have somethin’ to be excited about. And who am I to judge? I used to collect them little porcelain dolls. Had a whole shelf full of ’em. My granddaughter, she plays with ’em now. Says they’re “creepy.” Kids! They like this Spider-Gwen, not the little girls in the fancy dresses. Times are a changin’ I say. If you want to buy some Spider-Gwen comics, my grandson always says that Amazon is a good place.
This Spider-Gwen hot comic cover, though, it is pretty. I can see why it’s so popular. They say she first showed up in some comic called “Edge of Spider-Verse”. My grandson, he’s got that one too, of course. Number two, he says. Says it’s worth a pretty penny. He keeps it in a special plastic sleeve, says it’s to “protect it from the elements”. Sounds like he’s going to go live in a cave.
You know, seeing this Spider-Gwen, it kinda makes me feel a little bit young again, too. Like maybe I could still climb that apple tree. Or maybe not. But it’s nice to dream, ain’t it? It’s nice to see a strong girl out there, doin’ her thing. Even if she is just a drawing in a comic book.

I still don’t understand why they call it a “hot” comic cover. I asked my grandson. He says it’s just something they use to say a comic is very popular. Maybe it’s because she’s so popular that everyone wants to read her comics, and that’s why the cover is “hot.” Or maybe it’s because she’s wearing that tight suit. I don’t know. Kids these days have their own way of talking. It is hard to understand them sometimes. But, as long as they are happy, I guess it is fine. It sure is a pretty picture, though. I wouldn’t mind having one of those comic books myself. Maybe I will ask my grandson to buy one for me next time he goes to the comic book store. Or maybe I will ask him to buy it from the big shop on his computer. The one called Amazon.
This Spider-Gwen, she’s alright in my book. I still think my grandson should read some books instead of comics though. I told him, comics are not good for his eyes. But he won’t listen. Old folks like me, we know what is good for you. But young people never listen. They think they know everything. But what do they know? They never worked in a farm like me. They never had to get up when it is still dark outside. They have it easy these days. With their computer and their Spider-Gwen comics.