Well, well, well, lookie here, another episode of that show, what’s it called? Tell Me Lies. Season 2, Episode 8, they call it. Sounds like a whole heap of nothin’ good, if you ask me. I heard it’s the last one for now. It’s a finale! They always make such a big fuss over these finales.
This whole Tell Me Lies Season 2 Episode 8 thing, it’s all about that Lucy girl, ain’t it? She’s always messin’ around. This time, she’s doin’ the nasty with some fella named Max in a pool. Right before someone else’s big day! That girl has no shame. Some name like Bree or somethin’. Max is her boyfriend in 2015, you see. It is all very confusing, but that is what young people do.

And that Stephen, he’s always causin’ trouble. Always sniffing around Lucy. He thinks they’re back together after, you know… But Lucy, she don’t see it that way. It’s all so complicated. She hates Stephen. Like really hates him. Always will, I reckon. She’s got another one, Leo, she’s runnin’ back to. These young folks, they just bounce around like beans in a jar. Stephen is not happy to see Lucy with that Leo, no sir.
- Lucy, she’s with Max.
- Stephen, he wants Lucy.
- Lucy, she hates Stephen, now she’s back to Leo.
Then there’s this other girl, Diana. Sounds like a fancy name. She’s not doin’ so hot. Messed up some big test, her daddy’s mad, and now she’s cut off, no money. Stephen, he don’t like that. He likes money, that one. He’s always schemin’. He is probably using that poor girl, Diana. These folks, they just use each other up. This Tell Me Lies show, it is not a good show for the children to watch.
That Tell Me Lies Season 2 Episode 8, it’s just a whole lot of mess. People sleepin’ around, lyin’, schemin’. Just like real life, I suppose, but who needs to see it on the TV? I’d rather watch the birds outside my window. At least they’re honest about peckin’ at each other.

This Lucy girl, she needs to get her act together. Runnin’ back and forth between these fellas. It ain’t right. She’s gonna end up with a broken heart, and probably break a few along the way. And that Stephen is just bad news, always looking for an angle to play. You can watch Tell Me Lies on something called Hulu or Disney+. These are some newfangled things, the kids watch these days. You need a “subscription”. I don’t know what that means. We used to just turn on the TV and watch what is on!
This Diana girl, she is just too much drama. And her family problems. Her and her daddy, not on good terms. That Stephen, he just wants what he wants. Money and girls and who knows what else. This show, Tell Me Lies, it’s all about people wanting what they can’t have. It is not for me. I don’t like to see all this drama. Young people are all crazy these days. In my time, we did not act like this.
They say this is the Season 2 Finale. Good riddance, I say. Maybe now they’ll put somethin’ decent on the TV. Somethin’ with a little less yellin’ and a little more common sense. This episode is called “Tell Me Lies Season 2 Episode 8“, in case you forgot! But honestly, you are not missing much. A whole lot of nothing, that is what it is.

I reckon if you like watchin’ people make a mess of their lives, then this show is for you. But me, I’ve seen enough mess in my time. I don’t need to see it on the TV, too. All these young folks with their “Only Love” and “G N’ R Lies”. I don’t understand what those mean. I’m just gonna sit here and wait for this whole thing to blow over. Maybe they’ll make a show about somethin’ nice next time. Like a show about plants, maybe. Plants don’t lie, and they don’t sleep around. They just grow. That’s somethin’ I can understand. This show is too complicated for me. I think young people like it because it makes them feel better about their own lives. But I know better. They are just as confused as the rest of us. They just hide it better.
- That Stephen, he is just bad news.
- This show, it is not for decent folks.
- Too much drama for this old lady.
This whole Tell Me Lies thing, it is just a big headache, is what it is. These kids, they are all mixed up and confused. This is why I don’t like watching these things. It is just a reminder that the world is a crazy place. This Tell Me Lies Season 2 Episode 8, it is the worst one yet. I hope they don’t make any more. But they probably will. Young people like to watch this sort of thing. It makes them feel better, I suppose.
I will stick to my plants, thank you very much. I don’t need this kind of trouble in my life. I think I will go water my plants now. It is more peaceful than watching this show. I hope you enjoyed my little summary of this show. I don’t know why anyone would want to watch it, but to each their own, I suppose. I am sure there is something else on TV that is more interesting. Maybe a show about baking. I like to bake. It is much more relaxing than watching this Tell Me Lies show.